SIDNEY [ ABN NEWS ] – As of 01 May 2013, The Sultanate of Oman will be changing their weekend to fall on Friday and Saturday rather than the current Thursday and Friday to bring it in line with the majority of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, with the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait all adhering to the same days. The change will also bring Oman in line with their financial institutions as the banking sector has been working to a Friday and Saturday weekend since July 2008.
The news has been welcomed by businesses in Oman as the decision eases trading with the international markets both in the Gulf and the Western world, resulting in further facilitation of Oman’s tourism promotion. “The ‘extra working day’ in line with the UK markets will benefit communications within the tourism sector to ensure that tourist figures to Oman continue to rise”, commented Alison Cryer, the Oman Ministry of Tourism’s UK Based Representative.
Tags: Kuwait, Kuaite, Koweit, Covaite, Cuvaite, Quaite, Couaite